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I never saw nothing...

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This morning, as we were leaving Tesco, we were asked if we wished to take part in a short survey. To start with, the lady asked if we always go shopping together or sometimes shop alone. Since I sometimes stop at Asda on my way home from work, she chose to ask me the remainder of the questions. These turned out to be about a new offer which 'Tesco Bank' is running. I was asked if I had seen any of the promotional material near the checkouts, near the cash machine, or near the petrol station. I had completely failed to see any of them. Now, I wouldn't normally describe myself as unobservant but somehow I had managed to avoid seeing some fairly large adverts and displays as we walked around the shop. Emma had spotted the display near the checkout but she wasn't the one being asked, so her observation didn't count. Ah well. I feel like I have brought the average statistics down for the entire shop.