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A splash of colour in the garden

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Most of the plants in our garden are there for one reason: to provide food. There are a few flowers there to provide a splash of colour, the biggest at the moment is the Clematis:


We originally bought the clematis because we had bought a trellis and needed something to grow up it. A couple of years ago it died off but when it grew back it was more vigorous than before.

We bought some viola plants about the same time and they lasted a couple of years before being eaten by slugs.

Viola in the veg garden

They managed to spread seeds around the garden and this plant established itself at the edge of the herb bed, next to the veg patch.

Viola in the veg garden

I don't know whether violas have a good or bad effect on other plants - I'm not really up to speed with companion planting but my brief reading on the subject suggests that they go well with herbs so I'll leave the plants there for now.