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3 for £1

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Beware of multi-buy bargains at Tesco.
24p each, 3 for 1 pound

Photos of our new hamster

Story location: Home / Blog / Hamsters /

We still haven't decided on a name for our new hamster. Our original Winter Whites were called Theobold, Archibald and Reginald, so we may go for another '-old' or 'ald' name, but there aren't many girls names like that. There are Emerald and Marigold but we're not sure whether we like those.

Photo of new hamster
She's not easy to photograph. She doesn't sit still for long, so it takes several goes to get a clear photo of her. Even though she's easy to handle and she'll readily climb onto your hand, most photos show her either blurred or scampering away.

Photo of new hamster
Emma's been taking the hamster to University, and putting the cage in her office so she can keep an eye on her during the day. Most of the people in the department have stopped by to have a look. Photo of new hamster
In the photo above, she's trying some scrambled eggs, made using one of our quail eggs. We bought some 'puppy milk' because it's designed for growing animals (it has a fairly high fat content, and extra minerals etc). We used that for the scrambled egg. We gave some to our other hamsters too, and they enjoyed it.