The other night we bought a steam stripper to help us get all the wood chip wallpaper off the walls. The stuff is on every wall and ceiling, except the kitchen and bathroom. Tonight, we started stripping the wallpaper from the back bedroom. There was paint on top of wallpaper on top of paint so we needed to score the paper first to let the steam get in.
Some areas were very stubborn and needed lots of steaming to get them off. Other bits would peel off very easily. Unfortunately this included a lot of the ceiling paper, so I expect we'll have to re-paper that too.
I was a little worried that the wallpaper was what was holding the wall together, it seemed to be stronger than the plaster. There were some areas where the paper would come off, bringing a lot of powdery plaster with it. These walls will definitely need some remedial work before we can paint over them.